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Sunday, June 21, 2020

Arthritis Or Knee Stiffness: A Gelatin Can Be Cure


Arthritis Or Knee Stiffness: A Gelatin Can Be Cure
Arthritis is the tenderness and swelling of one or more of your joints. Joint pain and stiffness are the main symptoms of arthritis, which usually intensify with age. Osteoarthritis and remitted arthritis are the most common types of arthritis. 
Osteoarthritis causes a breakdown of cartilage – the heart, slippery tissue that covers the ends of bones where the form of a joint. Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease that attacks the joints by the immune system, starting with the lining of the joints. 
Crystal of Uric Acid, which forms when your blood contains too much unique acid, can cause gout. Other types of arthritis that may be caused by infections are underlying diseases such as psoriasis or lupus.treatments that vary from one type of arthritis to another. Arthritis therapies have the primary objectives of reducing symptoms and increasing quality of life.
The joints are involved in the most common signs and symptoms of arthritis.your sign and symptoms may include, depending on the type of arthritis you have like fatigue, rigidity, twilight, roughness, diminished range of motion.

The two main types of arthritis – in osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis – damaged joints in different ways.
The two main types of arthritis – in osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis – damaged joints in different ways.
Osteoarthritis the most common type of arthritis causes wear and tear damage to the cartilage of the joint the rough smooth surface at the end of the bones where it forms a joint. Cartilage cushions the ends of the bones and allows almost friction less joint movement but sufficient Damage can lead to bone grinding directly on the bone causing pain and restricted movement. This wear and anterior Can happen over several years or a joint fracture or infection can Hasten it. Osteoarthritis has an effect on the whole joint. It causes changes in the bones and the connective tissues to deteriorate which attach muscle to bone and hold the joint together. It also causes joint lining to become inflamed.
Rheumatoid Arthritis:
During rheumatoid arthritis, the body's immune system destroys the joint capsule lining attic membrane that encloses all areas of the joint. This lining Sino veal membrane swells and is inflamed. The process of the disease may eventually destroy cartilage and bone inside the joint.
Arthritis stages
Arthritis staging
What is Gelatin:
Gelatin is a product made by cooking collagen. It is made almost entirely from protein, and its unique profile of amino acids gives its many health benefits. Collagen is the protein found most abundantly in humans and animals. It is present almost anywhere in the body but the skin bones tendons And ligaments are most abundant. It provides energy and structures for tissue. Collagen, for example, increases skin flexibility, and Tendons' strength. However, eating collagen is difficult because it is usually found in unpalatable animal parts. The gelatin extracted during this process it's flavorless and colorless. It dissolves in warm water, and as it cools, it takes on a jelly-like feel. This has made it useful in food production as a gelling agent, in products such as gel – O and gummy sweets. It can also be consumed as a bone broth Or supplement. Sometimes gelatin is further processed to produce a substance is called hydroxylate collagen. Which contains the same amino acids as gelatin and has the same health benefits. 

It dissolves in cool water and is not forming a jelly, however, this means that some people may find it more appealing as a supplement. Both gelatin and hydrolysate Collagen are available in powder or granule form a supplement. Gelatin can also be purchased in sheet form. Nevertheless, because it is made from animal parts it is not suitable for vegans.
Gelatin Ingredients:
Gelatin is a protein of 98 to 99%. It is an incomplete protein however since it does not contain all the essential amino acids. In particular, it does not contain the essential tryptophan amino acid and this is not a concern since you are unlikely to consume gelatine as your sole protein source. Getting tryptophan from other protein-
rich foods is too simple.

Here is the most abundant amino acid in gelatin from mammals as follows – glycine 27%, Proline 16% Valene 14% hydroxyproline 14% and glutamic acid 11%.
The exact composition of the amino acids where is according to the type of animal tissue used in the preparation process. Interestingly gelatin is the amino acid glycine Richest food source and is particularly important to your health. Studies have shown that although your body can do that. Usually, you want to make enough to cover your needs. This means it’s necessary to eat enough in your diet. The nutrients compositions of the remaining 1 to 2% vary, But consist of water and small quantities of vitamins and minerals including sodium-calcium phosphorus and folate.
Yet generally speaking generating is not a rich source of vitamins and minerals, rather its health benefits are a result of its unique amino acid profile.
In the animal kingdom, college and is the most abundant protein. There are 16 colleges forms but almost all of your body is collagen is type 1,2and 3. You will find types one and two and three in your skin, tendons, and bone. Forms second collagen is contained in the cartilage and hence it’s linked to arthritis. Collagen is composed of amino acids the protein building blocks. The idea behind taking the supplements is for your body to use the amino acid to protect and rebuild your cartilage together. There are three types of collagen supplements— Gelatin hydrolyzed and undenatured. 

Gelatin and hydrolyzed collagen one break down to smaller pieces, from large proteins. When collagen is boil for a long time it is broken down into gelatin as in bone broth. Collagen I also be called Collagen hydrolysate, Hydrolysed gelatin, collagen peptides, or hydrolyzed collagen in its basic amino acids.
Undenatured collagen does not divide into tiny proteins or amino acids. And denatured type second collagen is not intended as a college in rebuilder for the body to use. In a method called oral tolerance, a very small dose of undenatured type 2nd collagen is used to prepare The body's immune system to avoid destroying their own collagen, explains Kimberly Sanders, ND, assistant professor of clinical sciences at the College of the Naturopathy medicine the people's University of Bridgeport.
Gelatin Treatment in Stiff Knees (Arthritis) and Study:
Many who have survived school lunches for years may become weak in the knees and that thought of having to eat any more gelatin. Yet a recent study published last week at a meeting of the American Academy of family physicist in Dallas indicates adding a special dietary gelatin supplement might offer some relief for people with moderate knee osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis describes the most common type of arthritis or joint inflammation and swelling. It happens as a result of aging and thousand natural shocks to which weight-bearing joints are frequently used joint—-– Including knees, fingers, and wrist are exposed. Much as the Knees of a Favourite pair of jeans we are out over time, wear and tear on cartilage Will eventually cause osteoarthritis to the tissues that cover and help lubricate ends of bones where they meet of joints.
Symptoms of the disease include discomfort, stiffness, and limited joint mobility.

In the study 175 knee arthritis patients were randomly allocated to either receive a daily gelatin supplement or placebo. Those who ate a supplement that contains 10 g of gelatin plus calcium and vitamin C had significant improvements in pain stiffness and mobility measures across the board. According to C in F McCarthy, MS from the Institute of clinical and lifestyle research in Shrewsbury, mass, This indicates that gelatin supplementation has the ability to enhance Ne function during activities that cause highlights of joint stress.
But before you go to the grocery store to store some gelatin, you should know that gelatin will get the  Credit for a good old vitamin C function. If gelatin were safe there would be less osteoarthritis in this country and not more because it is commonly found in food says Timothy Macallindon, MD, MPH, associate professor of medicine at the Boston University school of medicine and a staff member at the Boston University Medical Centers Arthritis center.
MacAllindon, Who treats patients with osteoarthritis, previously conducted a study examining the role of that in pupil with knee osteoarthritis, “and found an apparent a strong protective effect of high vitamin C intake on the progression of knee osteoarthritis. Vitamin C could, therefore, play a role – it is an antioxidant and has other effects that could be considered beneficial” he says.
Men and women with symptoms of moderate knee Osteoarthritis were first evaluated for knee pain, stiffness, mobility, flexibility, and joint strength in the study published in Dallas. They were then randomly assigned with calcium and vitamin C to receive either a placebo or gelatin. At eight and 14 weeks into the study, the evolution was repeated. The researchers found that all discomfort, stiffness, and mobility measurement were substantially improved through the session for all subjects within both classes. However, for certain strength and work performance tests, people who are eating gelatin showed significant improvement over others, “particularly those Tests that challenged the joint structure at the most “ the researchers noted.
McAlindon tells Webmd That only taking 60 MG of vitamin C per day – besides the amount already in the diet – greatly decreases the risk of development of osteoarthritis. He noticed that people who are the most vitamin C Daily in his diet and osteoarthritis a study had multiple reductions in the risk of progression of osteoarthritis that the difference between the lowest third and middle third was only 60 MG. That was not a big increase so it was like taking some extra orange a Day, He says.
There has been no report as to whether the same treatment effect could be seen with orange-flavored Jell-O as from this writing. Remain tuned to that channel.

 Dosage of Gelatin in Osteoarthritis:
Gelatin is almost safe and most People consume in foods. The larger amount used in medicines is possibly safe there is some evidence that gelatin in doses up to 10 grams daily can be safely used for up to 6 months.
In the first month take 5 gm or (half tablespoon) and from second month 10 gm or a full tablespoon of food-grade gelatin powder mixed with a less than half glass of water and keep it for overnight with covered the class, in the morning it would seem like gelatin paste, mix this paste with Curd or yogurt or Pineapple juice, which ones are easily available and take it empty stomach, Along with taking good companies Calcium which should be in the form of calcium citrate malate for better absorption 250 or 500 mg twice daily with Vitamin C 500 mg twice daily, and one pantoprazole (PPI) once daily and take one 60000 IU Vitamin D twice in a week in 3 days of a gap, for 3 to 6 month.  
Side Effects: As gelatin is natural substances, it comes from animal and not many side effects reported, but gelatin can cause an unpleasant taste, feeling of heaviness in the stomach, bloating, heartburn, and blenching, Gelatin can also cause allergic reactions. In some People, allergic reactions have been severe enough to damage the heart and cause death, so In case of any allergic reaction shows please stop this treatment immediately.
Contraindication: ( Who should not take) A condition like pregnancy and lactation or any cardiac disease avoid Gelatin treatment. 

Friday, June 19, 2020

Essiac Tea : An Anti Cancer Diet

Rene Caisse & The History Of Essiac Tea
Essiac Tea: An Anti Cancer Diet
Rene Caisse was a Canadian nurse who spent her life using Essiac to treat thousands of people. During a conversation with a friend and an older English lady, she first heard about the tea in 1922. Rene noticed a scar on her breast. The woman told Rene about her trip to northern Ontario from England, and how she had developed swelling and pain in her breast during that period. An old man in native medicine had told her had cancer, and he could heal her.
Skeptical of his claims, however, she decided to seek medical attention and the old English woman had been diagnosed with advanced cancer after traveling to southern Ontario. The doctors suggested removing her breast altogether. This woman and her husband were very poor at the time, so when she wanted to lose a breast or try the medicine man's cure, she saw no reason why she at least wouldn't try it, Upon arriving at the mining camp, the English woman sought medicine man's cure, she saw no reason why she at least wouldn't try it. Upon arriving at the mining camp, the English woman sought medicine man's consultation and started taking the
medicine as a treatment for her cancer.
Rene, enthralled by the tale, wrote down the names of the medicinal plants and herbs and kept them to help if she ever had cancer in the future. As has happened, in Brockville, Ontario, her aunt was diagnosed with cancer. After reaching her and talking to the doctor she had previously known due to the patients she had been nursing in the past, she asked them to try the tea of the old medicine man to see if it would help. In the hope of helping the woman, given that the doctor had no other medical knowledge to apply to cancer, he consented. Rene's aunt lived 21 years after her fall into cancer, despite taking the tea daily, and was never diagnosed with any recurring cancer again. 

Seeing this apparently "Miracle Cure", other physicians started calling for her help, and she traveled to several different patients. The findings have been impressive. In reality, the findings were so shocking that eight of the doctors she worked with sent a letter to the National Health and Welfare Department.
Ingredients of Essiac Tea:---      
Benefits of Ingredient of Essiac Tea
Ingredients of Essiac Tea
Burdock Root:
Burdock or Arctium lappa has many names all over the world and is a common weed throughout Europe, Asia, and North America that grows in nitrogen-rich soil. The burdock roots cleaning capabilities play a very important role in the tea formula essiac.
It is utilized with its high FOS content, a complex carbohydrate, to help remove harmful pathogens within the body. It has been used and studied all over Europe and Asia, and has been eaten for hundreds of years as a vegetable in these areas. This has several different medical uses that range from assisting the development of beneficial bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract to cure and avoid baldness and include antioxidants that help to rid the body of free radical cells and reduced cancer risks. It is also considered to be one of the best natural cleansers of blood and liver and contains many important nutrients and vitamins such as calcium, amino acids, potassium, vitamin B complex, vitamin A, vitamin P, and vitamin E.                         

Sheep Sorrel: Sheep Sorrel, or Rumex acetosells, is a part of the buckwheat family and can be found in many different environments, including marshes, open fields, rocky areas, floodplains and many other wet or acidic soils. Its principal ability to fight cancer comes from the chlorophyll found in the plant. Chlorophyll is well known to help the body carry oxygen through the bloodstream, which helps the body stay healthier and more energy-efficient. Cancer can only develop in low of oxygen to the blood will prevent cancer cell development. 

It also helps to keep the body safe through other cancer therapies, in addition to its cancer-fighting properties. The Chlorophyll present inside the plant also helps with burns from healing radiation treatments. It can also help improve cardiovascular health in general, as well as provide many other benefits such as detoxifying the body, helping with blood coagulation, providing the body with antioxidants, high content of vitamin C, and many others. Sheep sorrel has also been a well-known cancer survivor for a thousand years.
Slippery Elm: Slippery Elm, or Ulmus rubra, grows native to North America but Asia, as well as Australia, have been introduced, It has been used by native Americas throughout history for many medicinal purposes. The Native American's main uses were throughout the body for healing boils, skin inflammation, burns, and impurities. Those same calming components can also be accomplished on absorption within the body. The bark can help soothe digestive inflammation such as gastritis, ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease, and many others if properly

The inner lining of the barks becomes a gel that coats the inner lining of the digestive tract of your body when consumed and in turn, helps to soothe any inflammation that may occur. Moreover, this does not only refer to supporting pre-existing conditions. The main reason why the ingredient is included in the tea is to help to cope with some of the other ingredients with the body's abilities. One specific mention of this the rhubarb or turkey. It can cause inflammation of the digestive system, and cause discomfort due to the properties of the Turkey Rhubarb. The soothing abilities of the Slippery Elm Bark in the digestive tract help to counteract this negative side effect.
Turkey Rhubarb: Turkey rhubarb or Rheum palmatum, is a rapidly growing plant able to achieve heights of up to 10 meters. It is originally from China but has also been known to live in parts of Northern Tibet. It was, however, introduced worldwide and is now growing in the wild throughout Europe and North America. This plant pops up as a remedy for many different ailments throughout Chinese history and has even been accounted for as gifts and medicine to various Chinese emperors. Its well-known applications are to treat fever and relieve constipation and are still in use today for both natural and medicinal remedies.
Some new research has arisen from the medical community about other applications that it could have for specific sicknesses among the older applications of the plant. In animal tests done with the turkey rhubarb extract, it has been found to help reduce diabetic swelling, making it beneficial for anyone suffering from diabetes. It has also been found to help reduce negative markers in the blood of patients with terminal kidney failure. Although it has been found that the traditional uses are beneficial, there are still many other uses to be found for this thousand-year-old remedy. 

Helping to clean the colon is the primary explanation for its use in essiac tea. Most diseases begin within the colon, which helps control the overall health of the rest of the body. Turkey Rhubarb is used to keep the colon clean, as well as healthy, to help the body cope with combatting the disease. Despite its potential to be poisonous in large amounts, it can be quite helpful in small dosages, and in the case of essiac tea, it helps the body stay healthy to fight disease alone.

Essiac Tea as a Cancer Treatment: Originally created by a Canadian Ojibwa healer, Essiac's herbal mixture was generally meant to purify the body and restore/maintain the balance between body and spirit. In laboratory experiments, including antioxidants. anti-inflammatory and immune reinforcing effects, it has been found to have significant biological activity more specifically since the 1920s. Such biological effects also contribute to the effectiveness of Essiac as adjunctive therapy for various forms of cancer.
Essiac was used for cancer care starting in the 1920s when Canadian nurse Rene Caisse encountered a woman with breast cancer who reported the aftercare with Essiac, her cancer had been cured. Caisse experimented and tried over the next 50 years to perfect the essiac tea recipe, treating active cancer patients all the time and pursuing formal research to support Essiac's use.

Benefits of the Individual Ingredients: Individually, it has been shown that the herbs contained in Essiac have the above biological effects. In addition, sheep sorrel and turkey rhubarb molecules called anthraquinones and glycosides found in sheep sorrel are commonly found in various types of chemotherapy regimens. Burdock root, which is a precursor to cancer, has been shown to protect against mutagenesis in cells. This is also believed that the fatty acids present in the slippery elm and burdock root contribute to the antitumor activity, it has also been shown that the individual constituents have anti-estrogenic effects which can be therapeutic in the case of breast cancer the response to estrogen.
Benefits of Essiac Tea: In 2007, the first comprehensive laboratory investigation into Essiac'c health benefits was published in the international journal of Cancer Research and Treatment, with several insights on the biomolecular basis for the usefulness of Essiac in cancer treatment. The study examined Essiac's ability to kill cells and showed that Essiac was significantly more specific and potent in killing multiple tumor cell types compared to normal, healthy cells, Activation of pro-tumor molecules has also been shown to decrease. 

Although these effects were demonstrated in the laboratory, on isolated cells and using standardized toolkits, no randomized, controlled, clinical trials were performed on patients with active cancer to confirm their effectiveness as cancer treatment relative to traditional medical care (Chemotherapy, radiation, surgery).
Alternatively, the scientific evidence for the anticancer operation of Essiac remains unreliable and dependent on individual observations. Such reports about Essiac's improvement share common themes of enhanced quality of life, less pain, better sleep, appetite, and strength, plus perceived cancer progression slowing.
It is important to note that given many success stories, it should not be expected that essiac alone will cure the cancer of one person. One of the many weapons in combatting cancer should be considered. Essiac tea is an excellent complement to an anti-cancer diet, other natural treatments, changing lifestyle, and is also commonly used to counteract conventional treatment side effects such as radiation and chemotherapy.
Essiac has increased in popularity over the past century as an adjunctive treatment to traditional cancer medicine. And while several laboratory studies have shown the anti-cancer activity of both Essiac and Essiac mixture individual components, no clinical studies have been conducted to support their use as a cancer treatment. 
However, on an exciting note, the university of Texas-center for alternative medicine and Tzu-chi Institute for Complementary and Alternative Medicine are planning a clinical study to be conducted. Many hope that results of this study will provide the clinical data that generations have been waiting for that Essiac tea to support.
Preparing The Essiac Tea Recipe: Making the essiac tea recipe can sound like a lot of work, but it's a breeze after the first time. Buying the herbs which are already mixed is much easier. If you have the herbs and would like to make a small batch please see the simple recipe for essiac. Read on if you want to mix the separate ingredients yourself, or plan to make tea for others.
Video guidance to make Essiac tea:
If anyone is unable to make the recipe, they can purchase Essiac in capsule or powder form from the official website of the Rene Caisse which is available on the internet. This website is not promoting any commercial brand.
Immune Strengthening Effects: The immune system acts as the body's defense from infection but is also important in recognizing and preventing cancer progression. Another well-promoted application of Essiac is as an immunostimulant, or reinforcer of the immune system. Linked to that effect on the immune system is the
anti-inflammatory effect recorded by Essiac.
The previously described research study also investigated Essiac's immune-enhancing effects. Researchers found that the activity of many immune system cells increased significantly when exposed to Essiac, however, there was no direct bacterial killing observed in this study. Interestingly, however, previous studies have shown that Essiac tincture (as opposed to Essiac tea) has a weak to moderate antibacterial activity against several important human disease organisms including. Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli in particular, it has been shown that burdock root has antibacterial and fungistatic activity, while also inhibiting the release of pro-inflammatory molecules.
Because of its immune-enhancing effects, Essiac is commonly used to treat pain and swelling associated with generalized inflammation such as arthritis and infections of the respiratory tract, HIV / AIDS, other infections, and cancer.
Because of the unique properties of the individual herbs in Essiac, in addition to the enhanced properties when the herbs are mixed together in the right concentrations, Essiac Tea benefits the body in many ways, including notable antioxidant and immune -reinforcing properties both of which are valuable in treating a myriad of health conditions. 

Dosing: The right dosage of Essiac tea is 1 fluid ounce (30 ml) diluted in 2 fluid ounce(60ml) of hot water per day, based on the Caisse formula. As far as the time of day is concerned, the tea should be sipped on an empty stomach at bedtime, with no food consumed both 1 hour before and 1 hour after drinking the tea. The recommended dose is 0.5 fluid ounces (15 ml) diluted in one ounce of hot water per day, as a daily tonic for general preventive health maintenance and for strengthening the immune system. It is recommended that you increase the water intake while using Essiac.
Caisse had been adamant about Essiac's dosage. She reportedly had substantial fear that people would overdose to get more benefits. However, given the possible side-effects of Essiac, one should be careful to avoid this temptation. These side effects include gastrointestinal discomfort, diarrhea, dangerously low potassium levels, kidney stones and, among other, headache/nausea, Caisse suggested halving the dosage or halting it for few days if side effects arise, in addition to consuming a gallon of water every day to help flush the body's tea. 

Contraindications To Essiac Tea Use (Who Should Not Take): Pregnancy, Breast-feeding, Bowel obstruction or Diarrhea, Ulcers or Colitis, Increased blood iron levels, History, or Kidney Stones, Children under 12 years of age.
Essiac tea has a long history of fighting for approval as a medical therapy, as well as controversy over the true formula. With Caisse's formula and recommended dose now confirmed, however, the public can consume Essiac tea with relative confidence that they will be taking it as intended by Caisse. One must always be cautious with this or any other treatment, however, because lack of control and standardization can lead to uncertainty about dosage and potential side effects.