Turmeric targets 10 factors in cancer development |
Although traditional cancer models presumed that the majority of cancer cells within the tumor have varying degrees of self-renewal capability, the CSC model indicates that the development, maintenance, and growth of a tumor is powered by a minor population of cancer cells called cancer stem cells and that this CSCs undergo continuous self-renewal and heterogeneity differentiation.
In other words, the CSCs are at the apex of the hierarchy of tumor cells and are the mother of the different daughter cells that make up
the tumor, most of which are intrinsically benign.
Conventional chemotherapy and radiotherapy procedure, based on a mouse model with a 2-year experimental window to test the effectiveness and safety of the drug, was unable to explain the CSC mediated cause of post-treatment tumor recurrence which may take decades to manifest in humans after initial treatment. Though a tumor may have been debulked with surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, as a result, CSC populations were often missed or even enriched.
Considering that traditional therapy may cause and the inherently benign tumor that is called indolent tumors to become more aggressive by raising the number of inherently resilient stem cells of cancer at the same time as destroying the less harmful or non-harmful daughter cells, alternative treatment strategies are now more required than ever.
The Cancer Stem Cell Killing Role of Turmeric Curcumin: Extract of turmeric and curcumin were extensively studied for their ability to kill various lines of cancer cells. In addition, the literature is so abundant, that it is both shocking and disheartening that knowledge about it is not provided to so many patients who need
healthy, reliable, and affordable treatments.
The new research discusses a variety of ways in which curcumin offers as an effective therapy for CSC targeting, Including:
CSC self-renewal pathway regulation: Curcumin appears to, directly and indirectly, affect at least three self-renewal pathways within cancer stem cells, namely, WNT/B-CATENIN, Sonic hedgehog 89 ( SHH), AND NOTCH, Respectively. The authors list 12 different lines of cancer cells that appear to have a positive effect on curcumin.
Modulation of MicroRNA: MicroRNA is short non-coding sequences of RNA that control about 33 percent of the human genome's protein-coding genes. They bind to target messenger RNAs which lead to degradation or inactivation of them. Curcumin was found to alter the expression of microRNAs in stem cells of cancer in a manner that suggests strong tumor formation suppression.
Curcumin has the potential to selectively destroy cancer cells over healthy cells and synergizes with traditional chemotherapy agents to make them more efficient in some cases less harmful, For human cancer studies, the researchers assessed the protection and tolerability of all available human curcumin testing, and found no reason for concern. They also noted that "Curcumin has been shown to be well-tolerated as a natural remedy for thousands of years, and does not cause substantial toxicity in a variety of clinical trials.
Various Method Of Turmeric to Kills Cancer Cells in different types of Cancer: Curcumin starves cells from cancer to death. Over 4500 published studies the effects of curcumin on anti-cancer. A recent finding that curcumin selectively starves tumor cells to death intrigues researchers. Curcumin archives so by depriving the capacity of cancer cells to produce and use A.T.P, the energy currency within cell lines.
Since most cancer cells generate ATP differently than healthy cells, Curcumin selectively destroys tumor cells without affecting healthy tissues. These newly discovered, energy disrupting curcumin properties further help this botanical compound preventives ability by Cutting energy Supply for cancer.
To promote their rapid, uncontrolled growth, cancer cells require tremendous energy, and they have developed numerous methods to support that demand for energy.
Cancer cells have, in particular, an unusual, oxygen-free mechanism for extracting energy from glucose to produce ATP( Adenosine triphosphate). This process helps most cancer cells survive in their fast-growing low oxygen environments. Scientists performed a test to decide if the cancer cells would reverse this cycle.
First, the researchers found that curcumin could significantly reduce the amount of energy available to cancer cells. These researchers demonstrated that the curcumin could reduce levels of ATP synthase (ATP creating enzyme) in all four tumor cell lines in culture.
Rising cellular ATP levels in 3 of the 4 cell lines and increasing the ratio of high energy ATP low energy AMP in all four cell lines. Curcumin prevents the development of tumors.
The researchers then implanted aggressive cells of skin cancer ( melanoma) in to live mice. Half of the mice were handled with curcumin and the other half acted as the community of influence.
The curcumin-treated mice had shown significantly slower tumor growth only 2 days in to test. For the entire study period, tumor growth remained significantly slower.
Not surprisingly, in the curcumin group, ATP-synthase, ATP levels, and the ATP/AMP ratio had all been significantly reduced. These findings suggest that desires for energy were the mechanism of action by which curcumin slowed tumor growth.
Curcumin forestalls the growth of new blood vessels Cancers need to trigger new development of the blood vessels (called angiogenesis) as they grow rapidly to support their nutrient needs. Blocking that process is an important way to limit tumors to grow and spread.
During this analysis, the researchers found that the tumors of the curcumin supplemented animal had less new blood vessels relative to controlled fed mice after eliminating tumors from the mice. This indicates that curcumin reduced the tumor's access to nutrient
energy by reducing blood flow.
Curcumin starves cancer cells to death, curcumin is a strong, multifunctional polyphenol that is gaining knowledge of its chemopreventive properties as a result of cancer. A new study reveals that curcumin sharply restricts the ability of cancer cells to extract energy from blood glucose. This mechanism is particularly appealing for chemoprevention of cancer, as it would target the vast majority of cancers.
previous studies also show that curcumin can minimize inflammation, prevent chemical stress, shut down pathways that promote cancer, and interfere with the growth and development of malignant cells. These multiple action mechanisms make clear that curcumin should be a central component of any comprehensive chemoprevention regimen for cancer.
Curcumin in Turmeric with Piperine in Black Pepper: Main turmeric compounds are called curcuminoids. Curcumin is the most active ingredient in itself and seems to be the most important. Curcumin has many health advantages, as a polyphenol. This is a good antioxidant with anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and fungal properties.
Black pepper contains the bioactive compound piperine, the active component found in chili powder and cayenne pepper which is an alkaloid like capsaicin. Piperine has been shown to help alleviate nausea, headaches, and impaired digestion and has even anti-inflammatory properties, still, its greatest benefit may be its ability to increase curcumin absorption. Black pepper makes 1000 times more absorbable to turmeric in the human body.
Effective Doses: The typical Indian diet provides some 2000 to 2500 mg of turmeric ( 60-100 mg of curcumin) per day. In cancer cases can be taken up to 3000 mg of curcumin to be safe. Recipe for Cancer Treatment: 1500 mg turmeric mixed with 5 gm of black pepper in a tablespoon of Extra Virgin Olive Oil, make a paste, and can be taken with lunch and the same can be taken with dinner.
Any proton pump inhibitor (PPI) recommended during this treatment for reducing extra acid formation due to the recipe.
Who Should Not Take (Contraindication): Pregnancy and lactation, Gallbladder disease, Kidney stones, Bleeding disorder like blood thinner medicine like warfarin, etc., Diabetes and Iron-deficiency.
Always use raw (ORGANIC) turmeric roots, make a powder of it and use it rather than packaged which contain toxins and chemicals for colorations.
Special Note: Any type of natural medication of cancer requires strong diet protocols which are already on the website, kindly adhere 100 percent diet protocols.
"Sometimes The Potential Benefits Of This Medication Outweigh The Risk Of The Side Effects"
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