Apricot Kills Cancer!
Eating apricots, you might agree, is one of the healthiest options to stay healthy. It has long been linked to its ability to cure various illnesses. Apricots, known scientifically as Prunus armeniaca, are closely related to the family of Plumes. Its consumption is known to have benefits that include curing indigestion, constipation, anemia, further improving the health of your heart, preventing deterioration of your eyesight, and reducing cholesterol levels. Apricot oil is famous for treating asthma and skin disorders. The apricot seeds or Kernels also are believed to kill cancer cells. There is, though, raging debate about whether or not eating apricot seeds can be fatal. Read on as we are trying to get some answers
concerning apricot seeds.
Apricot seeds are thought to kill cancer cells because they contain a component called Laetrile which is an apparent cancer cell killer and is not toxic when consumed. The seeds also consist of Amygdaline or Vitamin B 17 found in the highest concentration and considered to be one of the most essential enzymes found in the kernel of apricot. It is also seen as the key ingredient in overcoming cancer is Amygdaline or Laetrile, which competes with the protective enzymes in cancer cells that can destroy cancer cells without it menacing healthy cells.
Vitamin B 17/Amygdaline/Laetrile: is natural substances, the anti-cancer properties of which have been known empirically for many years but have been scientifically proven over the last 20 years. Dr. Ernst T Krebs, jr, co-discovered it in 1952 and called it Laetrile. In the Prunus Rosacea family, Vitamin B 17 is found in seeds of those fruits ( Bitter almond, apricot, cherry, Nectarine, Peach, and plum ). It is included in grasses, maize, sorghum, millet, cassava, apple seeds, and many other foods as well. Dr. Krebs and other researchers maintain that cancer, like scurvy or pellagra, is a chronic metabolic disease. This review contains the Vitamin B 17 action mechanism and human cancer activity and anticancer activity to humans and animals.
Vitamin B 17 /Laetrile/amygdalin has been one of the most contentious Vitamins of the last 30 years, It is simply a concentrated form of nitriloside There are three names that are interchangeable, namely Vitamin B 17, Laetrile and amygdaline. A biochemist named Ernst T Krebs Jr has extracted vitamin B 17 from the apricot Kernels. He also called it Laetrile which is just short for Laevomandelonitrile and was officially awarded its vitamin status in 1952. But Vitamin B17 systematized study began when the chemist Bohn ( 1802 ) discovered that hydrocyanic acid was released during the distillation of the water from bitter almonds.
A crystalline amygdalin of the bitter almond, Amygdalus communis Linnaeus, now known as Prunus amygdalus Batsch, of the Rosaceae family ( Robiquet and Boutron, 1830 ) was Isolated in 1830.
Anyway all 3 are basically the same thing.
Antitumor action has been known empirically for many years but more researchers with equally impeccable credentials have been scientifically proven in the last thirty-five years (Griffin, 1974). Diverse documents from the oldest civilizations, such as the time of the Pharaohs in Egypt and 2500 years before China.
Christ mentions the therapeutic use of bitter almond derivatives. An Egyptian papyrus from 5000 years ago mentions the use of aqua amygdalin to treat some skin tumors (Contreas, 1980). The Greeks and Romans have also attributed low doses of therapeutic properties to that extract, Chemically, It is a cyanogenic glucoside with a condensed formula C20H27N011, with a molecular weight of 457.42 g moll-1, A chemical name D(1) Beta-D-Glucoside Mandelonetrile-beta-glucosidase-6 (J.Yan et al, 2006 ).
According to research carried out by Ernest T. Krebs Jr. The mechanism of action is as follows: Our body has one particular enzyme called Rhodanese found everywhere in the body except in the cancer cells, and the enzyme Beta-Glucosidase found only in the cancer cells in very large quantities but not found anywhere else in the body. If there is no cancer in the body, Beta-Glucosidase is not an enzyme. Vitamin B17 consists of 2 components of glucose, 1 Component hydrogen Cyanide, and 1 component Benzaldehyde ( Analgesic/Painkiller). Introducing B 17 into the body, It is broken down by the Rhodanese enzyme. The Rhodanese breaks down the hydrogen cyanide and benzaldehyde into 2 by-products, thiocyanate and benzoic acid, which are beneficial in nourishing healthy cells and form the production of vitamin B12 in metabolic pools. When the B 17 comes into contact with Cancer cells, no Rhodanese breaks it down and neutralizes it, but only the Beta-Glucosidase come into contact with each other, a chemical reaction occurs and synergistically the hydrogen cyanide and benzaldehyde combine to produce a poison that destroys and kills cancer cells. This whole process is known as selective toxicity. Only the cancer cells are specifically targeted and destroyed ( Griffin, 1974 )
Zinc is the laetrile mechanism of transportation within the body. Biochemists and researchers have found that the patient did not enough zinc, that the laetrile would into the body's tissue. They also found that all of the magnesium, selenium, vitamin A, B, and Vitamin C plays an important role in maintaining the body's mechanism of defense. (Binzel, 1994). A total nutritional program consisting of diet, vitamins, mineral, laetrile, and pancreatic enzymes is best treated for cancer(manner et al, 1978), Pancreatic enzymes from the body's first stratum of defense against cancer.
The cancer cells have been shown to be exactly the same as pre-embryonic cells found during pregnancy. These normal cells are called trophoblasts during pregnancy (Beard, 1905, Griffin, 1974, and Krebs et al, 1950). Trophoblast cells are also believed to participate in the healing process. These are formed as a result of a chain reaction beginning with another cell identified as the totipotent diploid, which contains all the separate characteristics of the whole organism and has the total capacity to evolve into any organ or tissue or, indeed into the whole embryo itself, Approximately 80% of these trophoblasts cells are in the ovaries and tests that serve as a genetic reservoir for future offspring. The rest of them are distributed elsewhere in the body for a purpose that is not yet fully understood but may involve the process of regeneration or healing of damaged or aging tissue. Whenever the body is damaged, either by physical trauma, chemical action or disease, estrogen, and other steroid hormones always appear in high concentration, and may serve as stimulators or catalysts for cell growth and body repair. When they come into contact with those steroid hormones, the diploid totipotent cells are triggered into producing trophoblast cells, When this happens to those totipotent diploid cells that have evolved from the fertilized egg, the result is a placenta and umbilical cord, a way to feed the embryo, But when it occurs non-sexually as part of the healing process, cancer will be produced if the healing process stopped after its task is completed. When cancer starts to develop, the body reacts with trying to seal it off and surrounding it with cells similar to those in the place where it occurs. The initial result is a bump, or lump. Usually the body's efforts to control the trophoblasts center are successful, the trophoblasts die, and over cancer there remains a benign polyp or another benign tumor. Many tumors are found to resemble a mixture of both trophoblast and surrounding cells under microscopic examinations, a fact that has led some researchers to the premature conclusion that there are many different cancer types. But to what degree tumors seem to be the degree to which they are benign is different, remaining that it is the degree to which non-cancerous cells are contained within it. The greater the malignancy, the more these tumors begin to resemble each other, and the more clearly they start taking on the classic characteristics of trophoblast pregnancy.
The first line of defense for the body. All animals contain billions of white blood cells, whose functions are to attack and destroy anything foreign and harmful to our bodies-people who develop a low white blood count become susceptible to all kinds of infections. So it would seem logical that white blood cells attack cancer cells. Cancer cells, however, are not alien to the body, they are a vital part of the life cycle in pregnancy and cure. Nature has thus provided them with an effective means to avoid the white blood cells, One of the trophoblast cell's characteristics is that it is enclosed by a thin protein coating that carries a negative electrostatic charge. The white blood cells have a negative charge, too. And since the trophoblast is well-protected like polarities repel each other. The blocking factor is nothing more than an electrostatic, cellular field. Part of the solution to this problem in nature, as professor Beard (1905) pointed out, is found in 10 or more pancreatic enzymes, of which trypsin and chymotrypsin are particularly important in the destruction of trophoblasts. Those enzymes exist in the pancreas gland in their inactive form (as zymogens). They are converted to their active form only after they have reached the small intestine(it is significant that the small intestine, near the point where the pancreas empties into it, is one of the few places in the human body where cancer is nearly never found). These are then absorbed into and reach the bloodstream.
Trophoblast and the negatively charged protein coat is dissolved. Then the cancer is exposed to a white cell attack, and it dies. In pregnancy, the trophoblast cells in the normal cells in the normal embryo keep on growing and spreading until the eighth week. Then all of sudden, they stop growing and they are destroyed. The baby's pancreas begins to functions in the eight weeks. So the first line of attack against cancer cells would seem to be the presence of sufficient quantities of pancreatic enzymes that digest the protective coating around the cancer cells and expose the trophoblast to the destructive force of white blood cells in the body. The second row
of defense is formed by Vitamin B17.
During the eighteen-year period manual Navarro (1957, 1971) treated over five hundred patients in a terminal state with Laetrile using various routes of administration including the oral and intravenous routes. With the use of Laetrile, he obtained the most significant and encouraging results, and that these results were comparable or superior to the results obtained with the use of the more toxic cytotoxic agents. Types of cancers treated include breast adenocarcinoma, stomach, lung, tongue, larynx, nasopharynx, rectum, colon, liver, esophagus, thyroid, uterine, Hodgkin lymphomas, fibrosarcomas, etc
P.E, Binzel (1994) published his results from treating cancer patients with Laetrile between 1974 and 1991. He used a combination of intravenous and oral Laetrile. Intravenous doses began at 3 gms and worked at up to 9 gms. The oral Laetrile, 1 gm at bedtime, was started in place of the injections after a period of months. As part of his regimen, Binzel also used various nutrient supplements and pancreatic enzymes, as well as a low protein animal, no junk food diet. Of a series of 180 primary cancer patients (non-metastasized, confined to a single organ or tissue), 138 were still alive in 1991, when he complied with his treatment outcomes. At that time, 58 of the patients had been followed for 2-4 years, while 80 had a 5-18 year medical follow up. Of the 42 patients who died in 1991, 23 died from cancer, 12 form unrelated causes, and seven died.
Ernesto Contrears (1980) remarks that nothing is as effective as Laetrile for the prevention of cancer and the maintenance of remission. Its non-toxicity allows its use indefinitely, while surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy can only be given for a limited period of time. In conjunction with vitamin A and enzymes he reported excellent results using Laetrile.
Michael Schachter, who has been using Laetrile with cancer patients for 20, years recommends using cysteine (N-acetyl cysteine is a better-absorbed form of cysteine) together with amygdaline to maximize the ability of the body to detoxify any cyanide released from Laetrile (Griffin, 1974).
1- Laetrile's anti-cancer activity in animal tumor systems was observed in at least 5 independent institutions in 3 widely separated world countries with a variety of animal cancers (Burk, 1974):1
Southern Research Institute (Birmingham Alabama ), for the NCL, treated with up to 400 mg Laetrile (Amygdalin MF) per kg body weight in a majority of 280 BDF1 mice carrying Lewis lung cancers, in relation to increased median life span (Dec 3, 1973)
2-Sloan Kettering (New York) with CD8 F1 mice bearing spontaneous mammary carcinomas, inhibitions of formation of lung metastases, inhibition of growth of primary tumors, and greater health and appearance of animal hosts, upon treatment with 1-2gm Laetrile/kg body weight/day. (JUNE13, 1973)
3-Scind Laboratories, University of San Francisco, 400 rats bearing Walker 256 carcinoma (200 treated with amygdalin, 200 controls) with an 80% increase in life span at an optimum dosage of (500mg
amygdalin/kg/body weight).
4-Pasteur Institute (Paris), With human cancer strain maintained in mice, treated at an optimal dosage of 500 mg Amygdalin Marsan/kg/body weight/day, increased life span, and delayed tumor growth up to 100% (Dec 6, 1971).
5-Institute von Ardenne (Dresden, Germany), H strain mice bearing Ehrlich ascites carcinoma treated with bitter almond amygdalin ad libitum in addition to a regular chow diet, yielded increased life span and decreased rate of cancer growth, treatment beginning 15 days before cancer inoculation (arch. Geschwulstorsch 42, 135-7(1973).
For five years between 1972 and 1977 laetrile was meticulously tested at Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre in Manhattan under the direction of Dr. Kanematsu Sugiura. The results show that Laetrile stopped metastasis (the spreading of cancer) in mice, it improved their general health, it inhibited the growth of small tumors, it provided relief from pain, it acted as cancer prevention.
Another source of Vitamin B17:
1-Seeds: Apple seeds, Plum seeds, Pear seeds, Berry seeds, Grapes seeds, Strawberries, and
2-Berries: Raspberries, Elderberries, Strawberries, Blueberries, Blackberries, and Wild berries.
3-Nuts: Apricots, Macadamia and Cashew
4-Grains: Sorghum, Buckwheat, Barley and Millet
5-Eucalyptus Leaves: Moderate amount of Vitamin B17, Even spinach leaves are said to have traces of the vitamin.
6-Sprouts: Bamboo, Alfalfa, Fava beans, and Mung sprouts.
As per as treatment of Cancer is concern APRICOT & APPLE seeds would be best.
DOSAGE OF APRICOT: As far as prevention of Cancer is concern 5 to10 apricots seeds daily in 3 divided doses, can be taken 3 seeds in the gap of 3 hours interval daily, and whereas treatment part is concern 20 to 30 seeds in 4 dividend doses daily, can be taken 7 seeds 4 hours interval daily.
Start with always low dose and increase gradually as you adhere to the taste and digestion of it.
Any natural treatment only effective when a person follows strictly diet protocol. For diet protocols, you can search my blog "Diet protocols for cancer patient"
Many of would you have a query if apricots/laetrile/amygdalin kill cancer cells then why Doctor and Medical science are not recommended and banned by the FDA?
My Answer is: Cancer is a Billion Dollar Industry without Cure!
Another benefit of Apricots: Regulating Hypertension, Boots the Immune System, Great Antioxidant, and Pain Reliever.
Contra Indicated in Pregnancy: As I mention above laetrile act upon rapidly dividing cells, and Pregnancy is a condition where replication of cell and its process so fast, So avoiding Apricots and Apple seeds (high amount of Laetrile) would be better in pregnancy.
Please note: Include these sources to load up on the great and nutritional benefits of Vitamin B17. However, if the consumption is inducing toxic and allergic reactions like vomiting or headache, stop the intake immediately, and consult with the doctor.
1.Beard, j. (1905). Cancer, 76(8):1467-1473
2-Griffin, E.G. (1974). A world without Cancer, the story of Vitamin B17 part one, Thousand Oaks, CA: American media
3-Krebs, E.T. Jr, Ch, Gurchot (1946). Biochemistry of Laetrile Science 104:132
4-Krebs, E. T. Jr, E. T. Sr, Krebs, and H, H. Beard (1950). The Unitarian or Trophoblastic Thesis of Cancer, The Medical Record, 163(7): 149-174.
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