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Monday, April 20, 2020

No Disease including "CANCER" can exist in an Alkaline Environment

Sugar Cancer

No Disease including "CANCER" can exist in an Alkaline Environment

The man who discovered the cause of cancer, Dr. Otto Warburg was awarded the Nobel Prize for his work in 1931. It was initially my understanding that he discovered cancer, but he actually discovered the cause that I believe is even more valuable than cancer discovery. Many people have recognized a problem, a disease, a tumorous lump that grows on someone and is labeled a disease. If you want to do something about it, the cause of that illness is even more important and relevant than the disease itself. His work became known as the "Warburg Effect" or the "Warburg Hypothesis", Which essentially means that cancer cells live off Sugar (Glycolysis) and thrive in an anaerobic environment as well. These cancer growth. What do you think?causes lead me to believe the opposite would help to reverse 

He is one of the most relevant figures in our history when it comes to cancer, what causes it, and how it really should be treated. But most people don't have any idea who this man is, why is that? Is It because of what he's got to say about cancer and illness in general? There is no question his time that he was a brilliant man. The first man to discover the cause of cancer is somewhat like the first man landing on the moon! It's just the micro and macro scale of things.
His discovery has brought him to some conclusions. These conclusions to which he has been led may be true or false to you, but I will leave it to you to decide. However, I trust this man (the discoverer of it) more than the American Cancer Society or any other medical organization because he has worked to reach a place of excellence and understanding for cancer. Large organizations taking your money for a "cure' or walking around in a circle wearing pink shirts haven't done much with the dollar BILLIONs
 poured in for research.

Oddly enough, Dr. Otto Warburg gave his two cents what can be done to treat and cure cancer, and what changes need to take place in the human body to prevent the human body from having cancer any more. Let me just say this again! The man who discovered cancer shared practical information on how, In his research, cancer can cease to exist based on his understanding of cancer. So what was he thinking about cancer? He was initially quoted as saying: "No disease, including cancer can exist in an alkaline environment".
His initial belief was that in an alkaline environment, cancer itself can not exist. What conclusion can you draw? Alkaline foods and drinks are beneficial in helping to get cancer out of the human body. His conclusion from his research has been that cancer can not live in an alkaline environment. If you have cancer then wouldn't it be a natural conclusion to put in your body as much as possible alkaline foods and drinks such as water as opposed to acidic foods that can actually feed the growth of cancer? It is a mere thought.
Dr. Otto Warburg also said beyond this:

"Cancerous tissue is acidic whilst healthy tissue is alkaline, If there is an excess of H+, It is acidic, if there is an excess of OH- ions, then it is alkaline"

" All normal cells have an absolute oxygen requirement, But cancer cells can live without oxygen- a rule without exception. Deprive a cell 35% of its oxygen for 48 hours and it can become cancerous."

Dr. Warburg made it clear that the root cause of cancer is oxygen deficiency, which creates an acidic condition in the human body. 
Dr. Warburg has also discovered that cancer cells are anaerobic ( Do not breathe oxygen ) and can not survive in the presence of high oxygen levels, as found in an alkaline state.
Dr. Warburg understood the importance of the cancerous growth of oxygen and an alkaline environment. He even went so far as to say that " No disease can live in an alkaline environment, Including Cancer" too. So Dr. Warburg's advice would be to give your boxy more oxygen and an alkaline environment, some of the best cancer and disease prevention and healing, according to him.

If you live in town, where chemicals are bombarding you and the levels of oxygen decrease. The Country and nature have higher levels of pure oxygen and this was one of the keys to helping the body be in an alkaline environment according to Dr. Warbugh. Not only that, but eating alkaline foods like vegetables and fruits can also help in alkalizing the body environment.

Eating Alkaline Foods and An Alkaline Diet could Save Your Life:

The Largest study ever conducted on the reasons why people live to be 100 is known as the Okinawa Centenarian Project. This study reveals that the longest living people on earth drink alkaline water and eat alkaline foods. The people of Okinawa Japan regularly live to be 100 years. The water they drink has a pH of 10-making it alkaline water. Longevity is one of the reported benefits of healthy lifestyle choices like alkaline water that is currently being studied by scientists in the ongoing Centenarian project.

There's not much we have control over in our life. Our environment is one of those. The air that we breathe daily has an adverse effect on our bodies. Pollution and toxins we drink in the water and air are slowly chipping away from our health. The fast-food we eat, we drink coffee and wine and the air we breathe makes staying alkaline particularly difficult. However, we can increase the alkaline levels we consume in our diet and in our water. Online finding high alkaline recipes, as well as detox drinks, is so easy.

In the morning, I drink apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, swish, and spit coconut oil for toxins removal. I give her my best shot. Occasionally, I still have some soda and burgers. But at least I figure I know the pros and cons of and alkaline pH vs an acidic one is a good start.

The Top Alkalizing foods on the planet:

1-Kale: Kale is one of the richest alkalizing food on the planet. It's rich in many vitamins and minerals that alkalize like calcium and magnesium. It's a great source of chlorophyll which plays an important role in alkalizing the body. This is also very strong anti-inflammatory food because of the Omega3 fatty acids contained in this green so it really tops this list in two ways!
2-Lemon- Lemon is acidic in nature but when in the human body it creates an alkalizing effect. Once it enters the metabolism it's minerals enter the bloodstream and really help to alkalize the body. Lemon is also very rich in vitamin C which boosts immunity to prevent tumorous cancer growth.
3-Broccoli: One of the top alkalizing foods on the planet and a great source of fiber which is healthy for the colon. It also contains sulforaphane which is a known anti-cancer compound.
Other foods worth consuming to alkalize the body are coconut water, any leafy greens, celery, cucumber, and most green vegetables in general because of the chlorophyll content in them. 4-Blueberries: With a rich blend of nutrients and anthocyanin antioxidants, blueberries protect the brain and aid in anti-inflammatory efforts. They are low on the glycemic index (like most berries) which some people believe feed cancer cells already out of balance. They can also be frozen without affecting their antioxidant benefits, unlike many other foods. Be sure to eat organic blueberries as new studies are showing that organic blueberries have higher concentrations of phenol antioxidants and anthocyanin antioxidants giving you the best anti-inflammatory,
anti-cancer effects.

5-Flaxseeds: You may be wondering why flaxseeds made the list right? Well, It's the richest source of omega 3 fatty acids on the planet. Omega 3 fatty acids are one of the main drivers for creating an anti-inflammatory state within the body.
Other anti-inflammatory foods include fish, walnuts, ginger, cloves, garlic.

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