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Thursday, April 16, 2020

How Systemic Proteolytic Enzymes Fights Cancer

Enzymes Fight Cancer

Proteolytic enzyme
Enzymes are vital to the well-being of humans. They play a critical role in digestion and assimilation of nutrients, among other things in immune response, cognitive acceleration, and cellular detoxification, Enzyme therapy has demonstrated tremendous promise in natural cancer protocols since the early 1900s. You will find out how to use systemic enzymes to treat cancer in this article. 

Enzymes are some of the most significant body structures. They are long-chained proteins that assume specific shapes and act as a key to unique locks all over the body. Their job is to perform very specific functions right across the body. They help the body in healing and regenerative functions as well as in the modulation of the immune system, which plays a very important role in disease development. 
functions of systemic enzyme

What are Enzymes?
Enzymes are biocatalysts used to perform and accelerate chemical reaction processes within the body. In our bodies we have around 3000 unique enzymes involved in over 7000 reactions.
We also consume enzymes when we eat raw fruits and vegetables which are sprouted and fermented. In a number of different health conditions, including cancer, supplementation with r range of plant and mammalian enzymes has been shown to have powerful health benefits. 
high enzyme food
Cancel Cells and Enzymes:
Cancer cells are covered with fibrin, a thick outer coating designed to prevent the immune system from recognizing and destroying the cancer cell. This defense of fibrin keeps chemotherapy out of the cells unless industrial force dosses are used. Also, this high dose of chemotherapy is very toxic to the body. 
Systemic enzymes have been demonstrated to break down the cancer cell's outer fibrin wall, making it easier for chemotherapy to penetrate and destroy the cancer cells. This allows for chemotherapy. Enzyme therapy also showed a reduction of Chemotherapy side effects and reduction of the debilitating muscle waste produced by chemotherapy.
Chemotherapy patients often experience many side effects, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, pain, and fatigue. Research has shown that enzyme therapy reduces these symptoms to the rest of the body by reducing the cytotoxic effects of chemotherapy.

Radiation, Surgery, and Enzymes: 
Radiation treatment damages the organs it affects and creates a stiff build-up of scar tissue throughout the organ. That restricts the ability of the organs to function. Systemic enzymes' therapy prevents scarring and breaks down existing fibrosis to improve the function of the organs. 
They also improve surgical procedural outcomes. Patients report faster recovery before and after the surgical procedure when using systemic enzymes. 
Enzyme and the immune system:
Enzymes have also been shown to decrease inflammation and boos specific cytokines as well as improve macrophages and killer cell potency. The macrophages and natural killer cells are specific cells that pass through the body and hunt for cancerous abnormal cells and virus initiating cancer. The less chance of cancer developing growth and metastasis is the more effective this part of the immune system. 
Systemic enzymes work to modulate or coordinate the activity of different immune complexes and do not have significant adverse reactions. They function as a lock and key mechanism and have a pro-inflammatory cytokine affinity such as Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) and C reactive protein (CRP).
They also downregulate TUMOR GROWTH FACTOR Beta overactivity at the level of RNA and protein synthesis. 
Enzymes and Anti-Protease Activity:
Systemic enzymes like a-2-macroglobulin and a-1-antitrypsin are also known to bind irreversibly to antiproteinases. This leads to the synthesis of antiproteinases that inactivate other proteinases such as cathepsin that are believed to play a role in the development and metastasis of tumors. 
In oncology, the proportion of proteinases to antiproteinases is increasingly used as a prognostic marker. The cysteine group of proteinases such as papain and bromelain is known to influence the equilibrium between proteinases and antiproteinases and thereby
influence tumor metastasis.
Enzymes interact with adhesion factors such as CD44, CD49, CD54, AND CD58 which play a role Enzymes also boost antioxidant enzymes and reduce the number of reactive oxygen species and free radical damage that triggers oncogene expression and development. 
proteolytic food
Usage of Systemic Enzymes:
Systemic enzyme preparations are carefully formulated so that they do not dissolve in the stomach acid and can enter completely intact into the bloodstream. The best supplements to systemic enzymes use a variety of enzymes from plants and animals. Three powerful plant-based enzymes include papain, rutin, and bromelain, while trypsin, chymotrypsin, and pancreatin are mammalian enzymes. 
Systemic enzymes are consumed on an empty stomach, allowing them to travel "systemically"
throughout the body, to be absorbed into the bloodstream. Systemic enzymes are protease enzymes that break down protein, and profound fibrinolytic and anti-inflammatory activity has been shown in certain protease. 
Enzymes and Intermittent Fasting:
Intermittent use of systemic enzyme fasting maximizes the benefit of both, Intermittent fasting has been shown to improve the immune system and boost human growth hormone for periods of 16-18 hours without any metabolically dynamic foods or drinks. It also improves hormonal signaling in the body and stabilizes blood sugar and improves the metabolism of fatty acids.

Systemic enzyme therapy must be done outside the digestive window during periods of time. An individual who eats all day long will not have a fasting window long enough to effectively incorporate high dose enzyme therapy. 
Most people do their best to fast on the water during the morning hours and clean beverages like green drinks, herbal teas, and lemon water. This is the ideal time to use systemic enzymes at high doses. In addition, ending eating several hours before going to sleep is always advisable for optimal digestion and immunity. So it is another ideal to use high dose enzyme therapy right before bed.
benefit of food
Enzyme Therapy Dosages:
Several protocols to use systemic enzymes are presented here, When used in cancer protocols it is important to bear in mind that extremely high doses can be justified. This is not intended to be a treatment protocol, but an idea of how many practitioners use systemic enzymes for different cases of cancer. 
Do not take anything written as medical advice in this article or on this website. It is only meant for information purposes and the reader is 100% liable for any complications that occur by following these suggestions or not.
Nausea, Diarrhea, dizziness, poor blood clotting, or stomach pain would be the side effects to look out for with systemic enzyme use. If you notice any of these, stop taking the enzymes until the symptoms subside, then start with a lower dose and see if the symptoms come back. 

Anti-inflammatory protocol:
1-2 gms daily (4-8 caps)
Cancer Prevention Protocol: 
5 gms daily -20 caps daily.
10 caps in the morning on arising
10 caps before bed
Cancer Patients: Active Cancer in the Body:
20-25 gms of systemic enzymes per day 80 caps daily
30 caps in the morning on an empty stomach
20 caps 3 hours later (at least 2 hrs before/after food)
30 caps the last thing at night before bed.

And If you do not want to go capsules then you can take organic fruit juice of PINEAPPLE by self-extraction, not to take market packed juice or market vendor extracted due to hygiene reasons. 
plant proeolytic enzyme

benefit of proteolytic  

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